CLI config/dotfiles
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#!/usr/bin/env sh
[[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
xset r rate 200 60 # Set keyboard delay in ms and repeat frequency in Hz
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps # Swap CapsLock with left CTRL
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr # Change cursor to left pointer instead of X on root window
xset dpms 3660 3660 3660 # Set monitor power off
xset s 3600 # Set screensaver timeout
xset b off # Disable PC speaker beep
xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local # Font dirs
xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/misc
xset fp rehash
picom -b # compositing
numlockx & # turn on numlock
#unclutter -root & # hide mouse cursor when not in use
feh --bg-center --no-xinerama ~/Images/Desktop\ Images/current & # set background image
#jackd -t 4000 -X alsa_midi -d alsa -d hw:Uber -r 192000 -p 1024 -n 3 & # start jack audio server
jackd -t 4000 -X alsa_midi -d alsa -d hw:USB -r 192000 -p 512 -n 3 & # start jack audio server
#(sleep 3 && loop2jack) & # set up loopback connections for alsa programs
(sleep 1 && pulse2jack) & # set up pulseaudio bridge to jack