CLI config/dotfiles
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# .zshenv
# User-specific ~/.zshenv, generalized for GNU/Linux and Apple OS X. Excecuted
# by zsh for all ((non-)interactive) shells. (May need to be installed as
# ~/.zprofile on OS X due to /etc/zprofile changing path order. Alternatively
# rename /etc/zprofile to /etc/zshenv.)
# Determine local environment
case $( uname ) in
( *[Ll]inux* )
case "$HOSTNAME" in
( vmp* ) hostenv='cluster';; # Auto-detect whether we're running on the
( vpac* ) hostenv='astro';; # ACCRE cluster or the VPAC network at
( * ) hostenv='linux';; # Vanderbilt, and set options appropriately
( *[Dd]arwin* ) hostenv='osx';;
( * ) echo 'running on unknown host' && return;;
export hostenv
# Path definitions
typeset -U path
case "$hostenv" in
( cluster )
path=(/usr/local/supermongo/bin # Supermongo path
/usr/local/cuda/bin # Nvidia CUDA path
/usr/lpp/mmfs/bin # GPFS utilities path
~/local/bin # User-specific path
export -UT LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/scheduler/torque/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path
export -UT LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/supermongo/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path
export -UT LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/python/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path
export -UT LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path
export -UT PYTHONPATH=~/local/lib/python/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
export -UT IDL_STARTUP=~/.idl/ idl_starup
export -UT IDL_PATH=+/home/sinham/utils/idl:$IDL_PATH idl_path
export -UT IDL_PATH=.:+/usr/local/idl/idl/lib:+/usr/local/idl/idl/:$IDL_PATH idl_path
( astro )
path=(/usr/local/python64/bin # Python path (64 bit)
~/local/bin # User specific path
export -UT LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/python64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ld_library_path
export -UT PYTHONPATH=~/local/lib/python/latest/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
export -UT PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/python64/lib/python*/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
source /usr/local/itt/idl80/idl/bin/idl_setup.bash
export IDL_PATH=.:/home/sinham/psu/utils/idl/:+$IDL_DIR
export IDL_STARTUP=~/.idl/
( linux )
path=(~/Local/bin $path) # User specific path
export -UT PYTHONPATH=~/Local/lib/python/python-2.7/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
export -UT PYTHONPATH=~/Local/lib/python/latest/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
export -UT PYTHONPATH=~/Local/lib/python3/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
export -UT TEXINPUTS=.:./style:$TEXINPUTS texinputs
export -UT BSTINPUTS=.:./style:$BSTINPUTS bstinputs
export -UT BIBINPUTS=.:./style:$BIBINPUTS bibinputs
( osx )
path=(~/Local/bin # User specific path
/usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin # Gnu coreutils from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/findutils/libexec/gnubin # Gnu find from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/grep/libexec/gnubin # Gnu grep from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin # Gnu sed from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/gnu-indent/libexec/gnubin # Gnu indent from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/gnu-tar/libexec/gnubin # Gnu tar from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/make/libexec/gnubin # Gnu make from Homebrew
/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin # Unversioned python3
export -UT PYTHONPATH=~/Local/lib/python/latest/site-packages:$PYTHONPATH pythonpath
export -UT GOPATH=~/Local/lib/go gopath
export path
# Import packages
if [[ $hostenv == cluster ]]; then
setpkgs -a gcc_compiler
setpkgs -a intel_compiler
setpkgs -a fftw2-mpich2_gcc_ether
setpkgs -a mpich2_gcc_ether
setpkgs -a gsl_gcc
setpkgs -a gsl_intel
setpkgs -a hdf5
setpkgs -a valgrind
setpkgs -a python
setpkgs -a scipy
setpkgs -a perl
setpkgs -a idl-8.0
setpkgs -a matlab
setpkgs -a octave
setpkgs -a R
setpkgs -a ImageMagick
# End