" xterm16-v2.43: Vim color scheme file " Maintainer: Gautam Iyer " Created: Thu 16 Oct 2003 06:17:47 PM CDT " Modified: Tue 12 Sep 2006 11:19:35 AM PDT " " Adjustable color scheme for GUI/Terminal vim. let s:cpo_save = &cpo set cpo&vim " line continuation is used hi clear if exists('syntax_on') syntax reset endif let colors_name = 'xterm16' " {{{1 Local function definitions " {{{2 tohex(n): Convert a number to a 2 digit hex let s:hex = '0123456789abcdef' function s:tohex( n) return a:n > 255 ? 'ff' : s:hex[a:n / 16] . s:hex[a:n % 16] endfunction " {{{2 extractRGB( string): Extract r,g,b components from string into s:c1,2,3 function s:extractRGB( string) if a:string =~ '^#[0-9a-f]\{6\}$' " Colors in hex values let s:c1 = '0x' . strpart(a:string, 1, 2) let s:c2 = '0x' . strpart(a:string, 3, 2) let s:c3 = '0x' . strpart(a:string, 5, 2) elseif a:string =~ '^\d\{3\}$' " Colors in cterm values let s:c1 = s:guilevel( a:string[0]) let s:c2 = s:guilevel( a:string[1]) let s:c3 = s:guilevel( a:string[2]) elseif a:string =~ '^[lmh][0-9]\{6\}' " Colors in propotions of low / med / high if exists('s:'.a:string[0]) let l:level = s:{a:string[0]} let s:c1 = l:level * strpart(a:string, 1, 2) / 50 let s:c2 = l:level * strpart(a:string, 3, 2) / 50 let s:c3 = l:level * strpart(a:string, 5, 2) / 50 else throw 'xterm16 Error: Use of propotional intensities before absolute intensities' endif else throw 'xterm16 Error: Brightness / color "'. a:string . '" badly formed.' endif endfunction " {{{2 guilevel(n) : Get the gui intensity of a given cterm intensity function s:guilevel( n) return '0x'.s:ccube[2*a:n].s:ccube[2*a:n + 1] endfunction " {{{2 ctermlevel(n) : Get the cterm intensity of a given gui intensity function s:ctermlevel( n) " Xterm color cube intensities: 00, 5f, 87, af, d7, ff " Rxvt color cube: 00, 2a, 55, 7f, aa, d4 " cinterval should have the terminal intervals. let l:terml = 0 while l:terml < 5 if a:n < '0x'.s:cinterval[2 * l:terml].s:cinterval[2 * l:terml + 1] return l:terml endif let l:terml = l:terml + 1 endwhile return 5 endfunction " {{{2 guicolor( r, g, b): Return the gui color with intensities r,g,b function s:guicolor( r, g, b) return '#' . s:tohex(a:r) . s:tohex(a:g) . s:tohex(a:b) endfunction " {{{2 ctermcolor( r, g, b): Return the xterm-256 color with intensities r, g, b function s:ctermcolor( r, g, b) if a:r == a:g && a:r == a:b " Use the greyscale ramp. The greyscale ramp starts from color 232 " with grey 8, and procedes in increments of 10 upto grey 238 (0xee) if a:r <= 4 return 16 elseif a:r <= 243 return (a:r - 4) / 10 + 232 else " Let's check if the last color in ccube is large enough. " return (s:termtype == 'xterm' && a:r > 247) ? 231 : 255 let l:l5 = s:guilevel(5) return ( l:l5 > 0xee && a:r > (l:l5 + 0xee)/2 ) ? 231 : 255 endif else " Use the rgb cube. return s:ctermlevel(a:r) * 36 + s:ctermlevel(a:g) * 6 + s:ctermlevel(a:b) + 16 endif endfunction " {{{2 setcolor( name, r, g, b): Set the script variables gui_name and cterm_name function s:setcolor( name, r, g, b) if exists('g:xterm16_'.a:name) " Use user-defined color settings (from global variable) call s:extractRGB( g:xterm16_{a:name}) let s:gui_{a:name} = s:guicolor( s:c1, s:c2, s:c3) let s:cterm_{a:name} = s:ctermcolor( s:c1, s:c2, s:c3) else " Set the GUI / cterm color from r,g,b let s:gui_{a:name} = s:guicolor( a:r, a:g, a:b) let s:cterm_{a:name} = ( &t_Co == 256 || has('gui_running') ) \ ? s:ctermcolor( a:r, a:g, a:b) : a:name endif " Add the color to palette let g:xterm16_palette = g:xterm16_palette . "\n" . s:gui_{a:name} . ', cterm ' . s:cterm_{a:name} . ' : ' . a:name endfunction " {{{2 getcolor( group, globalvar, colorname): if globvar exists, returns that " color. if not returns the color in cname function s:getcolor( globvar, cname) " hopefully someone set ctype before getting here. ctype should either be " "gui" or "cterm" if exists( a:globvar) if exists( 's:'.s:ctype.'_'.{a:globvar}) return s:{s:ctype}_{{a:globvar}} else call s:extractRGB( {a:globvar}) return s:{s:ctype}color( s:c1, s:c2, s:c3) endif else return s:{s:ctype}_{a:cname} endif endfunction " {{{2 use_guiattr( nattrs, n ): Should s:hi use the n'th attr for GUI hl. function s:use_guiattr( nattrs, n ) " If guisp is specified in vim6, then don't use any GUI attributes. " Otherwise use GUI attributes if GUI is running and they are specified. if !has('gui_running') || \ a:nattrs < a:n || \ ( v:version < 700 && a:nattrs >= 4 ) " Don't use GUI attributes return 0 else " Use GUI attributes return 1 endif endfunction " {{{2 hi( group, attr, fg, bg): Set the gui/cterm highlighting groups " " group - groupname. " attr - attributes. " fg/bg color name. " " Optionally can call it as " " hi( group, attr, fg, bg, guiattr, guifg, guibg, guisp ) " " where all the gui options are optional. If provided, they override the term " colors. function s:hi( group, attr, fg, bg, ...) if has('gui_running') || &t_Co == 256 " For gui's and 256 color terminals let l:fg = s:getcolor( 'g:xterm16fg_'.a:group, \ s:use_guiattr( a:0, 2) ? a:2 : a:fg) let l:bg = s:getcolor( 'g:xterm16bg_'.a:group, \ s:use_guiattr( a:0, 3) ? a:3 : a:bg) if exists('g:xterm16attr_' . a:group) let l:attr = g:xterm16attr_{a:group} else let l:attr = s:use_guiattr( a:0, 1) ? a:1 : a:attr endif exec 'hi' a:group \ s:ctype.'='.l:attr \ s:ctype.'fg='.l:fg \ s:ctype.'bg='.l:bg " Define guisp if specified for the gui (Vim7 upwards only). if v:version >= 700 && has('gui_running') && a:0 >= 4 let l:sp = s:getcolor( 'g:xterm16sp_'.a:group, a:4 ) exec 'hi' a:group s:ctype.'sp='.l:sp endif else " for consoles / 16 color junkies exec 'hi' a:group 'cterm='.a:attr 'ctermfg='.a:fg 'ctermbg='.a:bg endif endfunction " {{{2 set_brightness( default): Set s:brightness based on default function s:set_brightness( default) let s:brightness = ( exists('g:xterm16_brightness') \ && g:xterm16_brightness != 'default') ? \ g:xterm16_brightness : a:default if s:colormap == 'allblue' if s:brightness == 'high' let s:brightness = '#afafff' " 335 elseif s:brightness == 'med' let s:brightness = '#8787d7' " 224 elseif s:brightness == 'low' let s:brightness = '#5f5faf' " 113 endif elseif s:colormap == 'softlight' if s:brightness == 'high' let s:brightness = '#ff87af' " 523 elseif s:brightness == 'med' let s:brightness = '#d75f87' " 412 elseif s:brightness == 'low' let s:brightness = '#af5f87' " 312 endif else if s:brightness == 'high' let s:brightness = '#afd7ff' " 345 elseif s:brightness == 'med' let s:brightness = '#87afd7' " 234 elseif s:brightness == 'low' let s:brightness = '#5f87af' " 123 endif endif endfunction " {{{1 Global functions and initialisations. command! -nargs=* Brightness \ if Brightness() \ colo xterm16 \ endif " {{{2 Brightness( brightness, colormap) function! Brightness(...) if a:0 == 0 echo "Brightness: ".s:brightness.", Colormap: ".s:colormap return 0 elseif a:0 > 2 echoerr 'Too many arguements.' return 0 endif let g:xterm16_brightness = a:1 if a:0 == 2 let g:xterm16_colormap = a:2 endif return 1 endfunction " }}}1 try " {{{1 Setup defaults " {{{2 set ctype (to cterm / gui) to be the color type let s:ctype = has('gui_running') ? 'gui' : 'cterm' " {{{2 Obtain intensity levels of the 6 terminal colors in s:ccube " The 2ith and 2i+1th charecters in ccube are the hex digits of the " intensity of the ith (0-5) term level. xterm and rxvt set up the default " color cube differently, so we have to consider them separately. " First check for a user specified color cube. if exists('g:xterm16_ccube') let s:ccube = g:xterm16_ccube " No user specified color cube given. Try and guess from xterm16_termtype elseif ( exists('g:xterm16_termtype') && g:xterm16_termtype == 'rxvt') || \ ( !exists('g:xterm16_termtype') \ && &term =~ '^rxvt' \ && $MRXVT_TABTITLE == "" ) " color cube for "rxvt". Make sure we're not running mrxvt (by " checking that the MRXVT_TABTITLE variable is empty). let s:ccube = "002a557faad4" else " default to xterm if nothing else is specified. let s:ccube ="005f87afd7ff" endif " s:cinterval will be the intervals of intensities which get mapped to " term color i. i.e. colors between 0 -- cinterval(0) have level 0. " between cinterval(0) -- cinterval(1) have level 1, etc. max level is 5, " so anything higher than cinterval(4) has level 5. let s:cinterval = "" let s:lower = "00" let s:i = 1 while s:i < 6 let s:upper = s:ccube[2*s:i] . s:ccube[2*s:i + 1] let s:cinterval = s:cinterval . s:tohex( (('0x'.s:lower) + ('0x'.s:upper))/2 ) let s:lower = s:upper let s:i = s:i + 1 endwhile " {{{2 Get colormap defaults in "s:colormap" " On a terminal (without 256 colors), use "standard" colormap. Otherwise " use value from "g:xterm16_colormap" if exists, or "soft" as default. if !has('gui_running') && &t_Co != 256 let s:colormap = 'standard' elseif exists('g:xterm16_colormap') let s:colormap = g:xterm16_colormap else " "soft" used to be the default, but "allblue" is much better. let s:colormap = 'allblue' endif " {{{2 Redefine a few colors for CRT monitors and set brightness if s:colormap == 'allblue' call s:set_brightness( '#8787d7' ) " 224 elseif s:colormap == 'softlight' call s:set_brightness( '#d75f87' ) " 412 elseif exists('g:xterm16_CRTColors') " "standard" or "soft" colormaps if s:colormap == 'standard' let g:xterm16_darkblue = 'h000050' let g:xterm16_blue = 'h002550' let g:xterm16_grey = 'm474747' unlet! g:xterm16_skyblue g:xterm16_green g:xterm16_bluegreen " give the original xterm16 feel call s:set_brightness( '#80cdff') else " "soft" colormap let g:xterm16_skyblue = 'h003850' let g:xterm16_green = 'm315000' let g:xterm16_bluegreen = 'm005031' unlet! g:xterm16_darkblue g:xterm16_blue g:xterm16_grey " call s:set_brightness ( '245') " call s:set_brightness('high') call s:set_brightness('#87d7ff') " 245 endif else " "standard" or "soft" colormaps with LCD colors call s:set_brightness( '#5fafd7') " 134 endif unlet! s:c1 s:c2 s:c3 call s:extractRGB(s:brightness) let s:l = s:c1 let s:m = s:c2 let s:h = s:c3 " {{{2 Set a bright green cursor on all colormaps except softlight if !exists('g:xterm16bg_Cursor') if s:colormap == 'softlight' let g:xterm16fg_Cursor = '#ffffff' else let g:xterm16bg_Cursor = '#00ff00' endif endif " {{{2 Set the current pallete: let g:xterm16_palette = 'Current palette (Brightness: '.s:brightness. ', Colormap: '.s:colormap.')' " {{{1 Define colors and highlighting groups based on "s:colormap" let s:cterm_none = 'NONE' let s:gui_none = 'NONE' " Set the background based on the colormap. 'softlight' is the only " colormap with a light background if s:colormap == 'softlight' set bg=light else set bg=dark endif if s:colormap == 'standard' " {{{2 Original colormap. 8 standard colors, and 8 brighter ones. call s:setcolor( 'black', 0 , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkred', s:m , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkgreen', 0 , s:m , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkyellow', s:m , s:m , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkblue', 0 , 0 , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'darkmagenta', s:m , 0 , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'darkcyan', 0 , s:m , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'grey', s:m*44/50, s:m*44/50, s:m*44/50) call s:setcolor( 'darkgrey', s:l , s:l , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'red', s:h , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'green', 0 , s:h , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'yellow', s:h , s:h , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'blue', 0 , 0 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'magenta', s:h , 0 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'cyan', 0 , s:h , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'white', s:h , s:h , s:h ) " {{{2 Highlighting groups for standard colors call s:hi( 'Normal' , 'none' , 'grey' , 'black' ) call s:hi( 'Cursor' , 'none' , 'black' , 'green' ) call s:hi( 'CursorColumn', 'none' , 'none' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'CursorLine' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'DiffAdd' , 'none' , 'darkblue' , 'darkgreen' ) call s:hi( 'DiffChange' , 'none' , 'black' , 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'DiffDelete' , 'none' , 'darkblue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'DiffText' , 'none' , 'darkred' , 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'Directory' , 'none' , 'cyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'ErrorMsg' , 'none' , 'white' , 'darkred' ) call s:hi( 'FoldColumn' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'Folded' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'IncSearch' , 'none' , 'grey' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'LineNr' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'MatchParen' , 'bold' , 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'MoreMsg' , 'bold' , 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'NonText' , 'none' , 'blue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Pmenu' , 'none' , 'black' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuSel' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuSbar' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuThumb' , 'none' , 'none' , 'white' ) call s:hi( 'Question' , 'none' , 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Search' , 'none' , 'black' , 'darkcyan' ) call s:hi( 'SignColumn' , 'none' , 'darkmagenta', 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'SpecialKey' , 'none' , 'blue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLine' , 'none' , 'darkblue' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLineNC', 'reverse', 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'TabLineFill' , 'none' , 'black' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'TabLine' , 'none' , 'black' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'TabLineSel' , 'bold' , 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Title' , 'none' , 'magenta' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Visual' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'VisualNOS' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'WarningMsg' , 'bold' , 'red' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'WildMenu' , 'none' , 'darkmagenta', 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'Comment' , 'none' , 'darkred' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Constant' , 'none' , 'darkyellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Error' , 'none' , 'white' , 'red' ) call s:hi( 'Identifier' , 'none' , 'darkcyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Ignore' , 'none' , 'darkgrey' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'PreProc' , 'none' , 'blue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Special' , 'none' , 'darkgreen' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Statement' , 'none' , 'cyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Todo' , 'none' , 'black' , 'yellow' ) call s:hi( 'Type' , 'none' , 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Underlined' , 'none' , 'darkmagenta', 'none' ) " {{{2 Spelling highlighting groups. call s:hi( 'SpellBad' , 'bold,underline', 'none', 'none' , \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'darkred' ) call s:hi( 'SpellCap' , 'bold' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'blue' ) call s:hi( 'SpellLocal', 'underline' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'cyan' ) call s:hi( 'SpellRare' ,'underline' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'darkyellow' ) " {{{2 Define html highlighting groups for standard colors. if !exists("g:xterm16_NoHtmlColors") call s:hi( 'htmlBold', 'none', 'white', 'none', 'bold', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlItalic', 'none', 'yellow', 'none', 'italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlUnderline', 'none', 'darkmagenta', 'none', 'underline', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldItalic', 'bold', 'yellow', 'none', 'bold,italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldUnderline', 'bold', 'magenta', 'none', 'bold,underline', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlUnderlineItalic', 'none', 'magenta', 'none', 'underline,italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldUnderlineItalic', 'bold', 'white', 'none', 'bold,underline,italic', 'none') hi! link htmlLink PreProc endif " {{{2 Remap darkblue on linux consoles if !exists("g:xterm16_NoRemap") && &term =~# (exists("g:xterm16_TermRegexp") ? xterm16_TermRegexp : "linux") hi! link PreProc Underlined endif " }}}2 elseif s:colormap == 'soft' || s:colormap == 'softlight' " {{{2 "soft" / "softlight" colormap. " Mix and use similar intensity colors. Only drawback is a slightly " gaudy appearance (which is why I switched to the "allblue" " colormap). " " The "softlight" colormap is a colormap with a whiteish background " for web hosting or when there's a strong glare ... " Background colors common to softlight / soft colormaps call s:setcolor( 'black' , 0 , 0 , 0 ) " call s:setcolor( 'grey' , s:l/2 , s:l/2 , s:l/2 ) " call s:setcolor( 'lightgrey' , 2*s:l/3 , 2*s:l/3 , 2*s:l/3 ) " Foreground colors common to softlight / soft colormaps call s:setcolor( 'lightbrown' , s:h , s:h/2 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'magenta' , s:h*3/4 , 0 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'red' , s:h , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'yellow' , s:m , s:m , 0 ) if s:colormap == "soft" " Background colors for colormap with a dark background call s:setcolor( 'darkblue' , 0 , 0 , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'darkcyan' , 0 , s:l , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'darkred' , s:l , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkyellow', s:l , s:l , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkgrey' , s:l/3 , s:l/3 , s:l/3 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey' , s:l/2 , s:l/2 , s:l/2 ) call s:setcolor( 'lightgrey' , s:l , s:l , s:l ) " Foreground colors for colormap with a dark background call s:setcolor( 'bluegreen' , 0 , s:m , s:m*38/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'cyan' , 0 , s:m , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'green' , s:m*38/50 , s:m , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'purple' , s:h*27/50 , s:h*27/50 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'skyblue' , 0 , s:h*27/50 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'white' , s:m*44/50 , s:m*44/50 , s:m*44/50 ) else " Background colors for colormap with a light background call s:setcolor( 'darkblue' , s:l*27/50 , s:l*27/50 , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'darkcyan' , s:l*27/50 , s:l*38/50 , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'darkred' , s:l , s:l*27/50 , s:l*27/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkyellow', s:l , s:l , s:l*27/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkgrey' , s:l*40/50 , s:l*40/50 , s:l*40/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey' , s:l*35/50 , s:l*35/50 , s:l*35/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'lightgrey' , s:l*30/50 , s:l*30/50 , s:l*30/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'white' , s:l*45/50 , s:l*45/50 , s:l*45/50 ) " Foreground colors for colormap with a light background call s:setcolor( 'bluegreen' , 0 , s:h , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'cyan' , 0 , s:h*38/50 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'green' , 0 , s:m , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'purple' , s:h*38/50 , 0 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'skyblue' , 0 , 0 , s:h ) endif " {{{2 Highlighting groups for "soft" / "softlight" colors. if s:colormap == 'soft' " Highlighting groups for dark background call s:hi( 'Normal' , 'none', 'white' , 'black' ) call s:hi( 'Cursor' , 'none', 'black' , 'green' ) call s:hi( 'DiffText' , 'none', 'darkred' , 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'Error' , 'none', 'white' , 'darkred' ) call s:hi( 'ErrorMsg' , 'none', 'white' , 'darkred' ) call s:hi( 'FoldColumn' , 'none', 'purple' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'Folded' , 'none', 'purple' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'IncSearch' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLine' , 'none', 'darkblue' , 'lightgrey' ) call s:hi( 'VisualNOS' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkgrey' ) else " Highlighting groups for light background call s:hi( 'Normal' , 'none', 'black' , 'white' ) call s:hi( 'Cursor' , 'none', 'white' , 'bluegreen' ) call s:hi( 'DiffText' , 'none', 'red' , 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'Error' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkred' ) call s:hi( 'ErrorMsg' , 'none', 'white' , 'red' ) call s:hi( 'FoldColumn' , 'none', 'lightgrey', 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'Folded' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'IncSearch' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLine' , 'none', 'skyblue' , 'lightgrey' ) call s:hi( 'VisualNOS' , 'none', 'white' , 'darkgrey' ) endif " Highlighting groups for light / dark background. call s:hi( 'CursorColumn', 'none', 'none' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'CursorLine' , 'none', 'none' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'DiffAdd' , 'none', 'lightbrown', 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'DiffChange' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'DiffDelete' , 'none', 'purple' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'Directory' , 'none', 'cyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'LineNr' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'MatchParen' , 'bold', 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'MoreMsg' , 'none', 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'NonText' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Pmenu' , 'none', 'none' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuSbar' , 'none', 'none' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuSel' , 'none', 'none' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuThumb' , 'none', 'none' , 'lightgrey' ) call s:hi( 'Question' , 'none', 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Search' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkcyan' ) call s:hi( 'SignColumn' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'SpecialKey' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLineNC', 'none', 'black' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'TabLineFill' , 'none', 'none' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'TabLine' , 'none', 'none' , 'grey' ) call s:hi( 'TabLineSel' , 'bold', 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Title' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'VertSplit' , 'none', 'darkgrey' , 'darkgrey' ) call s:hi( 'Visual' , 'none', 'none' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'WarningMsg' , 'none', 'red' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'WildMenu' , 'none', 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Comment' , 'none', 'red' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Constant' , 'none', 'lightbrown', 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Identifier' , 'none', 'cyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Ignore' , 'none', 'darkgrey' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'PreProc' , 'none', 'purple' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Special' , 'none', 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Statement' , 'none', 'skyblue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Todo' , 'none', 'black' , 'darkyellow') call s:hi( 'Type' , 'none', 'bluegreen' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Underlined' , 'none', 'magenta' , 'none' ) " {{{2 Spelling highlighting groups. call s:hi( 'SpellBad' , 'bold,underline', 'none', 'darkgrey', \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'red' ) call s:hi( 'SpellCap' , 'bold' , 'none', 'darkgrey', \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'skyblue' ) call s:hi( 'SpellLocal', 'underline' , 'none', 'darkgrey', \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'cyan' ) call s:hi( 'SpellRare' ,'underline' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'yellow' ) " {{{2 Define html highlighting groups for soft colors. if !exists("g:xterm16_NoHtmlColors") call s:hi( 'htmlBold', 'none', 'yellow', 'none', \ 'bold', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlItalic', 'none', 'yellow', 'none', \ 'italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlUnderline', 'none', 'magenta', 'none', \ 'underline', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldItalic', 'bold', 'yellow', 'none', \ 'bold,italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldUnderline', 'bold', 'magenta', 'none', \ 'bold,underline', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlUnderlineItalic', 'bold', 'magenta', 'none', \ 'underline,italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldUnderlineItalic', 'bold', 'white', 'none', \ 'bold,underline,italic', 'none') endif " }}}2 elseif s:colormap == 'allblue' " {{{2 "allblue" colormap. All shades of blue. " Background colors call s:setcolor( 'black' , 0 , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkred' , s:l , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'darkcyan' , 0 , s:l , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'darkblue' , 0 , 0 , s:l ) call s:setcolor( 'darkyellow' , s:l , s:l , 0 ) " cterm's can do grey's with better accuracy, so use many shades of " grey for backgrounds instead of the gaudy yellow's etc. call s:setcolor( 'grey1' , s:l/8 , s:l/8 , s:l/8 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey2' , 2*s:l/8 , 2*s:l/8 , 2*s:l/8 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey3' , 3*s:l/8 , 3*s:l/8 , 3*s:l/8 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey4' , 4*s:l/8 , 4*s:l/8 , 4*s:l/8 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey5' , 5*s:l/8 , 5*s:l/8 , 5*s:l/8 ) " call s:setcolor( 'grey6' , 6*s:l/8 , 6*s:l/8 , 6*s:l/8 ) " call s:setcolor( 'grey7' , 7*s:l/8 , 7*s:l/8 , 7*s:l/8 ) call s:setcolor( 'grey' , s:l , s:l , s:l ) " Foreground colors: " " s:m -- lowest intensity level for fg colors " s:h -- highest intensity level. " s:M -- medium intensity (average of the above two) let s:M = (s:m + s:h) / 2 call s:setcolor( 'red' , s:h , 0 , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'lightbrown' , s:M , s:m , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'yellow' , s:M , s:M , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'dirtygreen' , s:m , s:m , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'green' , s:m , s:M , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'bluegreen' , 0 , s:M , s:m ) call s:setcolor( 'yellowgreen', s:m , s:M , 0 ) call s:setcolor( 'skyblue' , 0 , s:m , s:M ) call s:setcolor( 'lightblue' , 0 , s:m , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'cyan' , 0 , s:M , s:M ) call s:setcolor( 'lightcyan' , s:m , s:M , s:M ) call s:setcolor( 'darkpurple' , s:m , 0 , s:h ) call s:setcolor( 'purple' , s:m , s:m , s:M ) " Unused colors that are pretty reasonable " call s:setcolor( 'lightred' , s:M , s:m , s:m ) " call s:setcolor( 'bluewhite' , s:M , s:M , s:h ) " call s:setcolor( 'lightpurple', s:m , s:m , s:h ) " Greys can be done with better accurcy on cterms! call s:setcolor( 'white' , 48*s:M/50 , 48*s:M/50 , 48*s:M/50 ) call s:setcolor( 'white1' , 40*s:M/50 , 40*s:M/50 , 40*s:M/ 50 ) unlet s:M " {{{2 Highlighting groups for "allblue" colors. call s:hi( 'Normal' , 'none' , 'white' , 'black' ) call s:hi( 'Cursor' , 'none' , 'black' , 'green' ) call s:hi( 'CursorColumn' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey4' ) call s:hi( 'CursorLine' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey4' ) call s:hi( 'DiffAdd' , 'none' , 'lightbrown' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'DiffChange' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'DiffDelete' , 'none' , 'dirtygreen' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'DiffText' , 'none' , 'yellowgreen' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'Directory' , 'none' , 'lightblue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'ErrorMsg' , 'none' , 'white' , 'darkred' ) call s:hi( 'FoldColumn' , 'none' , 'grey4' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Folded' , 'none' , 'white1' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'IncSearch' , 'none' , 'white' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'LineNr' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'MatchParen' , 'bold' , 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'ModeMsg' , 'bold' , 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'MoreMsg' , 'none' , 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'NonText' , 'none' , 'lightbrown' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Pmenu' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey3' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuSel' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuSbar' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'PmenuThumb' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey4' ) call s:hi( 'Question' , 'none' , 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Search' , 'none' , 'black' , 'darkcyan' ) call s:hi( 'SignColumn' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'grey1' ) call s:hi( 'SpecialKey' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLineNC' , 'none' , 'grey' , 'grey3' ) call s:hi( 'StatusLine' , 'none' , 'white' , 'grey5' ) call s:hi( 'TabLine' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey3' ) call s:hi( 'TabLineFill' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey3' ) call s:hi( 'TabLineSel' , 'bold' , 'none' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Title' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'VertSplit' , 'none' , 'grey3' , 'grey3' ) call s:hi( 'Visual' , 'none' , 'none' , 'darkblue' ) call s:hi( 'VisualNOS' , 'none' , 'none' , 'grey2' ) call s:hi( 'WarningMsg' , 'none' , 'red' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'WildMenu' , 'none' , 'yellow' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Comment' , 'none' , 'purple' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Constant' , 'none' , 'lightcyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Error' , 'none' , 'red' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Identifier' , 'none' , 'cyan' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Ignore' , 'none' , 'grey3' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'PreProc' , 'none' , 'darkpurple' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Special' , 'none' , 'bluegreen' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Statement' , 'none' , 'skyblue' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Todo' , 'none' , 'lightbrown' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Type' , 'none' , 'green' , 'none' ) call s:hi( 'Underlined' , 'none' , 'darkpurple' , 'none' ) " {{{2 Spelling highlighting groups. " " The undercurl looks great in gui, so let's use that. For cterm use " some crappy grey background + bold / etc. Not something that stands " out too much because there are invariably numerous spelling mistakes " highlighted in most code. " call s:hi( 'SpellBad' , 'bold,underline' , 'none', 'grey2', \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , 'red' ) call s:hi( 'SpellCap' , 'bold' , 'none', 'grey2', \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , 'skyblue' ) call s:hi( 'SpellLocal' , 'underline' , 'none', 'grey2', \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , 'lightcyan' ) call s:hi( 'SpellRare' , 'underline' , 'none', 'none' , \ 'undercurl' , 'none', 'none' , 'yellow' ) " {{{2 Highlighting groups for email. " " mailURL links to Constant, which is light cyan. This does not stand " out well in quoted emails (which is cyan), or regular text. Better " to use light brown (like the soft colormap). hi link mailURL Todo " {{{2 Define html highlighting groups for "allblue" colors if !exists("g:xterm16_NoHtmlColors") call s:hi( 'htmlBold', 'none', 'yellow', 'none', 'bold', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlItalic', 'none', 'yellow', 'none', 'italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlUnderline', 'none', 'darkpurple', 'none', 'underline', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldItalic', 'bold', 'yellow', 'none', 'bold,italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldUnderline', 'bold', 'darkpurple', 'none', 'bold,underline', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlUnderlineItalic', 'bold', 'darkpurple', 'none', 'underline,italic', 'none') call s:hi( 'htmlBoldUnderlineItalic', 'bold', 'white', 'none', 'bold,underline,italic', 'none') endif " }}}2 else throw 'xterm16 Error: Unrecognised colormap "' . s:colormap . '"' endif " }}}1 catch /^xterm16 Error:/ " {{{1 Handle internal exceptions. unlet colors_name echohl ErrorMsg echomsg v:exception echohl None " }}}1 finally " {{{1 Unlet script variables and functions " Restore compatibility options let &cpo = s:cpo_save unlet! s:c1 s:c2 s:c3 unlet! s:i s:lower s:upper s:ccube s:cinterval unlet! s:cpo_save s:hex s:l s:m s:h s:cterm_none s:gui_none " Delete colors of "standard" colormap unlet! s:gui_black s:gui_darkred s:gui_darkgreen s:gui_darkyellow s:gui_darkblue s:gui_darkmagenta s:gui_darkcyan s:gui_grey s:gui_darkgrey s:gui_red s:gui_green s:gui_yellow s:gui_blue s:gui_magenta s:gui_cyan s:gui_white unlet! s:cterm_black s:cterm_darkred s:cterm_darkgreen s:cterm_darkyellow s:cterm_darkblue s:cterm_darkmagenta s:cterm_darkcyan s:cterm_grey s:cterm_darkgrey s:cterm_red s:cterm_green s:cterm_yellow s:cterm_blue s:cterm_magenta s:cterm_cyan s:cterm_white " Delete extra colors of "soft" colormap unlet! s:gui_lightbrown s:gui_bluegreen s:gui_skyblue s:gui_purple unlet! s:cterm_lightbrown s:cterm_bluegreen s:cterm_skyblue s:cterm_purple " Delete extra colors from "allblue" colormap unlet! s:gui_darkcyan s:gui_darkblue s:gui_grey1 s:gui_grey2 s:gui_grey3 s:gui_grey4 s:gui_grey5 s:gui_white1 s:gui_dirtygreen s:gui_yellowgreen s:gui_lightblue s:gui_lightcyan s:gui_darkpurple unlet! s:cterm_darkcyan s:cterm_darkblue s:cterm_grey1 s:cterm_grey2 s:cterm_grey3 s:cterm_grey4 s:cterm_grey5 s:cterm_white1 s:cterm_dirtygreen s:cterm_yellowgreen s:cterm_lightblue s:cterm_lightcyan s:cterm_darkpurple delfunction s:tohex delfunction s:extractRGB delfunction s:guilevel delfunction s:ctermlevel delfunction s:guicolor delfunction s:ctermcolor delfunction s:setcolor delfunction s:getcolor delfunction s:use_guiattr delfunction s:hi delfunction s:set_brightness " }}}1 endtry