Browse Source

Added x11 config files.

Daniel Sissom 2 years ago
Signed by: djsissom GPG Key ID: 2C30FFB796852389
4 changed files with 466 additions and 0 deletions
  1. + 432
    - 0
  2. + 5
    - 0
  3. + 5
    - 0
  4. + 24
    - 0

+ 432
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
! Run `xrdb ~/.Xresources` to apply changes
!Xft*autohint: true
!Xft*lcdfilter: lcddefault
!!Xft*lcdfilter: lcdnone
!Xft*antialias: true
!Xft*hinting: true
!Xft*hintstyle: hintfull
!Xft*rgba: rgb
!Xft.autohint: false
!!Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
!Xft.lcdfilter: lcdnone
!Xft.antialias: false
!Xft.hinting: false
!!Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
!Xft.rgba: rgb
Xft.autohint: false
Xft.lcdfilter: lcddefault
!Xft.lcdfilter: lcdlegacy
!Xft.antialias: false
!Xft.antialias: true
!Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hinting: true
Xft.hintstyle: hintfull
!Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
Xft.rgba: rgb
URxvt.depth: 32
URxvt.background: [85]#000000
URxvt.foreground: #ffffff
URxvt.scrollBar: false
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Up: command:\033]720;1\007
URxvt.keysym.Shift-Down: command:\033]721;1\007
URxvt.keysym.C-k: command:\033]720;1\007
URxvt.keysym.C-j: command:\033]721;1\007
!!!!!!!URxvt*font: xft:Ubuntu Mono:size=11,style=regular:antialias=false
!URxvt*font: xft:Ubuntu Mono-11
!URxvt*letterSpace: -2
URxvt.internalBorder: 8
! uncomment here for bitmap font(?)
!URxvt*font: -misc-ubuntu mono-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
!URxvt*boldFont: -misc-ubuntu mono-medium-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
!URxvt*boldFont: -misc-ubuntu mono-bold-r-normal--0-0-0-0-m-0-iso8859-1
! uncomment here for xft font
URxvt.font: xft:Hack:style=Regular:size=10:antialias=false, \
xft:IPAPGothic:size=16:antialias=false, \
xft:SourceHanSerif-SemiBold:size=16:antialias=true, \
xft:Symbola:size=10:antialias=true, \
xft:Hack Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular:size=10
URxvt.boldFont: xft:Hack:style=Bold:size=10:antialias=true, \
xft:IPAPGothic:size=16:antialias=true, \
xft:SourceHanSerif-Heavy:size=16,antialias=true, \
xft:Symbola:size=10:antialias=true, \
xft:Hack Nerd Font Mono:style=Regular:size=10
! Clickable URLs
URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher,vtwheel,config-reload
!URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,matcher,vtwheel,font-size,config-reload
URxvt.url-launcher: /usr/bin/firefox
URxvt.matcher.button: 1
! Scrollwheel support and changeable font size
!URxvt.perl-ext-common: vtwheel,font-size
! Change font size
! see /usr/share/doc/urxvt-font-size-git/README.markdown for details
!URxvt.keysym.C-equal: perl:font-size:increase
!URxvt.keysym.C-minus: perl:font-size:decrease
URxvt.keysym.C-equal: resize-font:bigger
URxvt.keysym.C-minus: resize-font:smaller
! Do not scroll with output
URxvt.scrollTtyOutput: false
! Scroll in relation to buffer (with mouse scroll or Shift+Page Up)
URxvt.scrollWithBuffer: true
! Scroll back to the bottom on keypress
URxvt.scrollTtyKeypress: true
! Prevent ctrl + shift weirdness
URxvt.iso14755: false
! Scrollback buffer size (65535 max?)
URxvt.saveLines: 20000
! Set xcursor theme
Xcursor.theme: XcursorAero
! Resources for xclock config
XClock.Clock.update: 1
XClock.Clock.background: #000000
XClock.Clock.foreground: #ffffff
XClock.Clock.width: 400
XClock.Clock.height: 400
XClock.Clock.majorColor: #ffffff
XClock.Clock.minorColor: #888888
XClock.Clock.hourColor: #ffffff
XClock.Clock.minuteColor: #ffffff
XClock.Clock.secondColor: #ffffff
!! Jellybeans Terminal Colours
!! vim: ft=xdefaults
!*background: #151515
!*foreground: #888888
!! black
!*color0: #1C1C1C
!*color8: #404040
!! red
!*color1: #B85335
!*color9: #CF6A4C
!! green
!*color2: #799D6A
!*color10: #99AD6A
!! yellow
!*color3: #FFB964
!*color11: #FAD07A
!! blue
!*color4: #667899
!*color12: #8197BF
!! magenta
!*color5: #8787AF
!*color13: #C6B6EE
!! cyan
!*color6: #668799
!*color14: #8FBFDC
!! white
!*color7: #888888
!*color15: #E8E8D3
! baskerville raven_p9-dark
#define t_bg_floor #010000
#define t_bg_dip #3F3E3B
#define t_background #464542
#define t_bg_bump #545350
#define t_fg_comment #96969A
!#define t_foreground #BEBFC2
#define t_foreground #DEDFE2
#define t_fg_highlight #CFCFD3
#define t_fg_ceiling #FEFFFF
!URxvt.background: t_background
!URxvt.foreground: t_foreground
URxvt.colorBD: t_fg_highlight
URxvt.colorIT: t_fg_highlight
URxvt.colorUL: t_fg_highlight
!URxvt.cursorColor: #E7ACDF
URxvt.cursorColor: t_foreground
URxvt.color0: t_bg_bump
URxvt.color8: t_fg_comment
URxvt.color7: t_fg_highlight
URxvt.color15: t_fg_ceiling
URxvt.color1: #CC827B
URxvt.color9: #FFBBB3
URxvt.color3: #A5955B
URxvt.color11: #E0CE91
URxvt.color2: #67A477
URxvt.color10: #9EDEAE
URxvt.color6: #38A6B2
URxvt.color14: #79E0ED
URxvt.color4: #7998D1
URxvt.color12: #B3D1FF
URxvt.color5: #BD84B6
URxvt.color13: #F9BDF0
URxvt.color16: t_bg_floor
URxvt.color17: t_bg_dip
URxvt.color18: t_background
URxvt.color19: t_bg_bump
URxvt.color20: t_fg_comment
URxvt.color21: t_foreground
URxvt.color22: t_fg_highlight
URxvt.color23: t_fg_ceiling
URxvt.color24: #F8A8C0
URxvt.color25: #F9A7BF
URxvt.color26: #F9A7BD
URxvt.color27: #F9A7BC
URxvt.color28: #F9A8BA
URxvt.color29: #FAA8B8
URxvt.color30: #FAA8B7
URxvt.color31: #FAA8B5
URxvt.color32: #FAA8B3
URxvt.color33: #FAA8B2
URxvt.color34: #FAA8B0
URxvt.color35: #FAA8AF
URxvt.color36: #FAA8AD
URxvt.color37: #FAA9AC
URxvt.color38: #FAA9AA
URxvt.color39: #F9A9A8
URxvt.color40: #F9A9A7
URxvt.color41: #F9AAA5
URxvt.color42: #F8AAA4
URxvt.color43: #F8AAA2
URxvt.color44: #F8ABA1
URxvt.color45: #F7ABA0
URxvt.color46: #F7AB9E
URxvt.color47: #F6AC9D
URxvt.color48: #F6AC9B
URxvt.color49: #F5AC9A
URxvt.color50: #F4AD99
URxvt.color51: #F4AD97
URxvt.color52: #F3AE96
URxvt.color53: #F2AE95
URxvt.color54: #F1AF94
URxvt.color55: #F1AF93
URxvt.color56: #F0B091
URxvt.color57: #EFB090
URxvt.color58: #EEB18F
URxvt.color59: #EDB18E
URxvt.color60: #ECB28D
URxvt.color61: #EBB28C
URxvt.color62: #EAB38B
URxvt.color63: #E9B38A
URxvt.color64: #E8B48A
URxvt.color65: #E6B489
URxvt.color66: #E5B588
URxvt.color67: #E4B587
URxvt.color68: #E3B686
URxvt.color69: #E2B686
URxvt.color70: #E0B785
URxvt.color71: #DFB885
URxvt.color72: #DEB884
URxvt.color73: #DCB984
URxvt.color74: #DBB983
URxvt.color75: #DABA83
URxvt.color76: #D8BA82
URxvt.color77: #D7BB82
URxvt.color78: #D5BB82
URxvt.color79: #D4BC81
URxvt.color80: #D2BD81
URxvt.color81: #D1BD81
URxvt.color82: #CFBE81
URxvt.color83: #CEBE81
URxvt.color84: #CCBF81
URxvt.color85: #CABF81
URxvt.color86: #C9C081
URxvt.color87: #C7C081
URxvt.color88: #C6C182
URxvt.color89: #C4C182
URxvt.color90: #C2C282
URxvt.color91: #C1C282
URxvt.color92: #BFC383
URxvt.color93: #BDC383
URxvt.color94: #BCC484
URxvt.color95: #BAC484
URxvt.color96: #B8C585
URxvt.color97: #B6C585
URxvt.color98: #B5C686
URxvt.color99: #B3C687
URxvt.color100: #B1C787
URxvt.color101: #AFC788
URxvt.color102: #AEC789
URxvt.color103: #ACC88A
URxvt.color104: #AAC88B
URxvt.color105: #A8C98C
URxvt.color106: #A7C98D
URxvt.color107: #A5C98E
URxvt.color108: #A3CA8F
URxvt.color109: #A1CA90
URxvt.color110: #A0CA91
URxvt.color111: #9ECB92
URxvt.color112: #9CCB93
URxvt.color113: #9ACB95
URxvt.color114: #99CC96
URxvt.color115: #97CC97
URxvt.color116: #95CC98
URxvt.color117: #93CD9A
URxvt.color118: #92CD9B
URxvt.color119: #90CD9C
URxvt.color120: #8ECD9E
URxvt.color121: #8DCE9F
URxvt.color122: #8BCEA1
URxvt.color123: #89CEA2
URxvt.color124: #88CEA4
URxvt.color125: #86CEA5
URxvt.color126: #84CFA7
URxvt.color127: #83CFA8
URxvt.color128: #81CFAA
URxvt.color129: #80CFAB
URxvt.color130: #7ECFAD
URxvt.color131: #7DCFAF
URxvt.color132: #7BCFB0
URxvt.color133: #7AD0B2
URxvt.color134: #78D0B4
URxvt.color135: #77D0B5
URxvt.color136: #76D0B7
URxvt.color137: #74D0B9
URxvt.color138: #73D0BA
URxvt.color139: #72D0BC
URxvt.color140: #71D0BE
URxvt.color141: #70D0BF
URxvt.color142: #6FD0C1
URxvt.color143: #6ED0C2
URxvt.color144: #6DD0C4
URxvt.color145: #6CD0C6
URxvt.color146: #6BD0C7
URxvt.color147: #6AD0C9
URxvt.color148: #69D0CB
URxvt.color149: #69D0CC
URxvt.color150: #68D0CE
URxvt.color151: #68D0D0
URxvt.color152: #68D0D1
URxvt.color153: #67D0D3
URxvt.color154: #67D0D4
URxvt.color155: #67CFD6
URxvt.color156: #67CFD7
URxvt.color157: #67CFD9
URxvt.color158: #67CFDA
URxvt.color159: #67CFDC
URxvt.color160: #68CFDD
URxvt.color161: #68CEDF
URxvt.color162: #68CEE0
URxvt.color163: #69CEE2
URxvt.color164: #6ACEE3
URxvt.color165: #6ACEE4
URxvt.color166: #6BCDE5
URxvt.color167: #6CCDE7
URxvt.color168: #6DCDE8
URxvt.color169: #6ECDE9
URxvt.color170: #6FCCEA
URxvt.color171: #71CCEC
URxvt.color172: #72CCED
URxvt.color173: #73CBEE
URxvt.color174: #75CBEF
URxvt.color175: #76CBF0
URxvt.color176: #78CAF1
URxvt.color177: #79CAF2
URxvt.color178: #7BCAF3
URxvt.color179: #7CC9F3
URxvt.color180: #7EC9F4
URxvt.color181: #80C9F5
URxvt.color182: #82C8F6
URxvt.color183: #84C8F7
URxvt.color184: #85C7F7
URxvt.color185: #87C7F8
URxvt.color186: #89C6F8
URxvt.color187: #8BC6F9
URxvt.color188: #8DC6F9
URxvt.color189: #8FC5FA
URxvt.color190: #91C5FA
URxvt.color191: #93C4FB
URxvt.color192: #96C4FB
URxvt.color193: #98C3FB
URxvt.color194: #9AC3FB
URxvt.color195: #9CC2FC
URxvt.color196: #9EC2FC
URxvt.color197: #A0C1FC
URxvt.color198: #A2C1FC
URxvt.color199: #A4C0FC
URxvt.color200: #A6C0FC
URxvt.color201: #A9BFFC
URxvt.color202: #ABBEFC
URxvt.color203: #ADBEFB
URxvt.color204: #AFBDFB
URxvt.color205: #B1BDFB
URxvt.color206: #B3BCFB
URxvt.color207: #B5BCFA
URxvt.color208: #B7BBFA
URxvt.color209: #B9BBFA
URxvt.color210: #BBBAF9
URxvt.color211: #BDB9F9
URxvt.color212: #BFB9F8
URxvt.color213: #C1B8F7
URxvt.color214: #C3B8F7
URxvt.color215: #C5B7F6
URxvt.color216: #C7B6F5
URxvt.color217: #C9B6F5
URxvt.color218: #CBB5F4
URxvt.color219: #CDB5F3
URxvt.color220: #CFB4F2
URxvt.color221: #D0B4F1
URxvt.color222: #D2B3F0
URxvt.color223: #D4B3EF
URxvt.color224: #D6B2EE
URxvt.color225: #D7B2ED
URxvt.color226: #D9B1EC
URxvt.color227: #DAB0EB
URxvt.color228: #DCB0EA
URxvt.color229: #DEAFE8
URxvt.color230: #DFAFE7
URxvt.color231: #E1AFE6
URxvt.color232: #E2AEE5
URxvt.color233: #E3AEE3
URxvt.color234: #E5ADE2
URxvt.color235: #E6ADE1
URxvt.color236: #E7ACDF
URxvt.color237: #E9ACDE
URxvt.color238: #EAACDD
URxvt.color239: #EBABDB
URxvt.color240: #ECABDA
URxvt.color241: #EDAAD8
URxvt.color242: #EEAAD7
URxvt.color243: #EFAAD5
URxvt.color244: #F0AAD4
URxvt.color245: #F1A9D2
URxvt.color246: #F2A9D1
URxvt.color247: #F3A9CF
URxvt.color248: #F3A9CD
URxvt.color249: #F4A8CC
URxvt.color250: #F5A8CA
URxvt.color251: #F6A8C9
URxvt.color252: #F6A8C7
URxvt.color253: #F7A8C5
URxvt.color254: #F7A8C4
URxvt.color255: #F8A8C2

+ 5
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
[[ -f ~/.xprofile ]] && . .xprofile
exec bspwm # start window manager

+ 5
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
(stoppulse2jack && pkill jackd) &
pkill -x panel
bspc quit

+ 24
- 0

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
[[ -f ~/.Xresources ]] && xrdb -merge ~/.Xresources
xset r rate 200 60 # Set keyboard delay in ms and repeat frequency in Hz
setxkbmap -option ctrl:swapcaps # Swap CapsLock with left CTRL
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr # Change cursor to left pointer instead of X on root window
xset dpms 3660 3660 3660 # Set monitor power off
xset s 3600 # Set screensaver timeout
xset b off # Disable PC speaker beep
xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/local # Font dirs
xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/misc
xset fp rehash
compton & # compositing
#picom -d # compositing
numlockx & # turn on numlock
#unclutter -root & # hide mouse cursor when not in use
feh --bg-center --no-xinerama ~/Images/Desktop\ Images/current & # set background image
#jackd -t 4000 -X alsa_midi -d alsa -d hw:Uber -r 192000 -p 1024 -n 3 & # start jack audio server
jackd -t 4000 -X alsa_midi -d alsa -d hw:USB -r 192000 -p 512 -n 3 & # start jack audio server
#(sleep 3 && loop2jack) & # set up loopback connections for alsa programs
(sleep 1 && pulse2jack) & # set up pulseaudio bridge to jack
