diff --git a/zsh/zshrc b/zsh/zshrc index 91c52ca..0dbdf7f 100644 --- a/zsh/zshrc +++ b/zsh/zshrc @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +[ -r ~/.aliases ] && . ~/.aliases # this is going to have to go above completion stuff # The following lines were added by compinstall zstyle ':completion:*' auto-description 'Specify parameter: %d' @@ -22,8 +23,9 @@ zstyle ':completion:*' substitute 1 zstyle ':completion:*' verbose true zstyle :compinstall filename '/home/djsissom/.zshrc' -autoload -Uz compinit -compinit +fpath=(~/.zsh $fpath) +fpath=( "$HOME/.zsh/functions" $fpath ) +autoload -Uz compinit && compinit # End of lines added by compinstall # Lines configured by zsh-newuser-install HISTFILE=~/.histfile @@ -319,7 +321,7 @@ setopt HIST_IGNORE_SPACE # Source alias definitions file #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -[ -r ~/.aliases ] && . ~/.aliases +# aliases file sourcing used to be here and will come back soon #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ @@ -352,7 +354,6 @@ autoload -U colors && colors #PROMPT='|- %{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}%n@%m%{$reset_color%} : %{$fg_no_bold[blue]%}%~%{$reset_color%} $(git_super_status)-> ' #PROMPT="|- %{$fg_no_bold[cyan]%}%n@%m%{$reset_color%} : %{$fg_no_bold[blue]%}%~%{$reset_color%} -> " -fpath=( "$HOME/.zsh/functions" $fpath ) #autoload -U promptinit && promptinit autoload -Uz promptinit && promptinit PURE_GIT_PULL=0