#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # sxhkdrc #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Hotkey bindings for bspwm window management and other miscillaneous functions. # Reload configureation settings with <Alt> + <Escape>. # Get names from output of `xev` and key/mouse event. #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Reload Settings #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# make sxhkd reload its configuration files: alt + Escape pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Closing Things #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# exit bspwm super + alt + Escape pkill -x panel; bspc quit
# close the current window alt + w bspc node --close
# kill the current window alt + ctrl + shift + w bspc node --kill
# toggle panel alt + super + p pgrep -x bspwm-panel > /dev/null && running=yes || running=no; \ if [[ "$running" == yes ]]; then; \ pkill -x panel; bspc config top_padding 0; \ elif [[ "$running" == no ]]; then; \ bspwm-panel &; \ fi
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Window Management #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# focus/swap window in <direction> alt + {_,shift +} {h,j,k,l} bspc node --{focus,swap} {west,south,north,east}
# preselect window split in <direction> alt + ctrl + {h,j,k,l} bspc node --presel-dir \~{west,south,north,east}
# push window edge in <direction> alt + super + {h,j,k,l} bspc node --resize {left -10 0,bottom 0 10,top 0 -10,right 10 0}
# pull window edge in <direction> alt + super + shift + {h,j,k,l} bspc node --resize {right -10 0,top 0 10,bottom 0 -10,left 10 0}
# move floating window alt + super + {Left,Down,Up,Right} bpsc node --move {-10 0,0 10,0 -10,10 0}
# set split of parent node alt + {1-9} bspc node @parent --ratio 0.{1-9}
# send window to prev/next monitor/desktop alt + {_,ctrl +} shift + bracket{left,right} type={monitor,desktop}; \ direction={prev,next}; \ bspc node --to-$type $direction; \ bspc $type --focus $direction
# toggle window floating/fullscreen/pseudo-tiled alt + {s,f,t} bspc node --state \~{floating,fullscreen,pseudo_tiled}
# force tiled window alt + shift + t bspc node --state tiled
# select window backward/forward in history, preserving order alt + {o,i} bspc wm --record-history off; \ bspc node --focus {older,newer}; \ bspc wm --record-history on
# select window backward/forward in history alt + {_,shift} + Tab bspc node --focus {prev.local,next.local}
# swap window with last focused window alt + apostrophe bspc node --swap last
# send window to preselection alt + Return bspc node --to-node last.\!automatic --follow
# select splitting ratio of window alt + ctrl + {1-9} bspc node --presel-ratio 0.{1-9}
# focus clockwise/counterclockwise window alt + {_,shift + }c bspc node --focus {next,prev}
# swap with biggest window alt + shift + b bspc node --swap biggest
# insert receptacle alt + r bspc node --insert-receptacle
# clear receptacles on current desktop alt + shift + r for win in `bspc query -N -n .leaf.\!window.local`; do bspc node $win --kill; done
# send window to receptacle on current desktop alt + super + Return bspc node --to-node `bspc query -N -n .leaf.\!window.local` --follow
# move node to adjacent receptacle (this doesn't seem to work...) alt + ctrl + super + {h,j,k,l} bspc node --to-node `bspc query -N -n {west,south,north,east}`
# move node to receptacle on previous/next monitor/desktop alt + {_,shift +} super + bracket{left,right} type={monitor,desktop}; \ direction={prev,next}; \ bspc node --to-node `bspc query -N --$type $direction -n .leaf.\!window` --follow
# make fullscreen across all monitors super + alt + f bspc node --state \~floating; xdotool getactivewindow windowsize 5920 1080 windowmove 0 0 #bspc node -t --state \~floating; bspc config -w focused border_width 0; xdotool getactivewindow windowsize 5920 1080 windowmove 0 0
# move a floating window super + {Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc node -v {-10 0,0 10,0 -10,10 0}
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Desktop Management #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# focus prev/next desktop alt + ctrl + bracket{left,right} bspc desktop --focus {prev,next}.local
# focus prev/next desktop, all monitors alt + ctrl + {Left,Right} for i in \{1..3\}; do \ direction={prev,next}; \ bspc desktop --focus $direction; \ bspc monitor --focus $direction; \ done
# flip the tree horizonally/vertically alt + {_,super +} {_,shift +} slash bspc node @{/,parent} --flip {vertical,horizontal}
# select nodes (new shortcuts needed) alt + {p,b,comma,period} bspc node --focus @{parent,brother,first,second}
# circulate window leaves through tree alt + {period,comma} bspc node @parent --circulate {backward,forward}
# rotate tree alt + shift + {period,comma} bspc node @parent --rotate {90,270}
# increase/decrease window gap size alt + {minus,equal} bspc config -d focused window_gap $((`bspc config -d focused window_gap` {+,-} 6 ))
# window gap to zero alt + super + 0 bspc config -d focused window_gap 0
# toggle tiled/monacle layout alt + m bspc desktop -l next
# balance windows to occupy equivalent area alt + b bspc node -B
# reset windows rooted at node to original split ratio alt + e bspc node --equalize
# focus/send window to desktop #alt + {_,shift + }{1-9,0} # bspc {desktop -f,window -d} $(bspc query -M -m)/{i,ii,iii,iv,v,vi,vii,viii,ix,x}
# select previous desktop alt + grave bspc desktop --focus last
# toggle the private flag to keep a node where it is (?) #alt + ctrl + p # bspc node --flag private
# toggle visibility of all windows on current desktop of current monitor alt + shift + v bspc node @/ --flag hidden
# toggle visibility of all windows on current desktop of all monitors alt + v for i in \{1..3\}; do \ bspc monitor --focus next; \ bspc node @/ --flag hidden; \ done
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # Monitor Management #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# focus monitor to the left/right alt + bracket{left,right} bspc monitor --focus {prev,next}
# swap monitors alt + ctrl + super + bracket{left,right} direction={prev,next}; \ bspc desktop --to-monitor $direction; \ bspc monitor --focus $direction; \ bspc desktop --to-monitor last; \ bspc desktop --focus last
# add merged virtual monitor alt + ctrl + super + m bspc wm -a merge 5920x1080+0+0
alt + ctrl + super + shift + m bspc monitor merge -r
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # mouse actions #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# close window under pointer (Logitech MX Master) button10 bspc node pointed --close
# close window under pointer (Logitech MX Master 2S) ctrl + alt + Tab bspc node pointed --close
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # wm independent hotkeys #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
# open a terminal alt + backslash urxvt
# run dmenu launcher alt + space dmenu_recent -x 400 -w 1120 -y 525 -h 25 -o 0.75 -dim 0.5 -s 0 #XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=KDE dmenu_recent -x 400 -w 1120 -y 525 -h 25 -o 0.75 -dim 0.5 -s 0
# volume controls XF86AudioRaiseVolume amixer set Speaker 1%+
XF86AudioLowerVolume amixer set Speaker 1%-
XF86AudioMute amixer set PCM toggle #amixer set Speaker toggle
# take a screenshot Print scrot -e 'mv $f ~/Images/Screenshots/.'
shift + Print scrot --focused -e 'mv $f ~/Images/Screenshots/.'
alt + Print scrot --select -e 'mv $f ~/Images/Screenshots/.'
# refresh background image super + b feh --bg-center --no-xinerama ~/Images/DesktopImages/current
# run xbmc super + x env SDL_VIDEO_FULLSCREEN_HEAD=1 kodi
# turn on tv and mirror central monitor super + {_, alt +} t xrandr --output HDMI-0 {--auto --same-as DVI-D-0, --off}
# lock screen super + l i3lock --ignore-empty-password --show-failed-attempts --image=/home/djsissom/Local/share/wallpaper/current.png #i3lock --ignore-empty-password --tiling --image=/home/djsissom/Local/share/wallpaper/current.png #i3lock --ignore-empty-password --dpms --inactivity-timeout 60 --tiling --image=/home/djsissom/Images/Desktop\ Images/current.png
#~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # End #~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~